Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed to be the Mujaddid
of the fourteenth century Hijra.
He claimed to fulfil in his person the prophecies of Islam
relating to the coming of the Messiah among ... |
A Brief Sketch of My Life | | This Books in English. |
A Clarification | | (Tauzeeh-e-Maraam) Translated by Iqbal Ahmad |
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A Correction of an Error | | Translated by Dr. Zahid Aziz |
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A Living Religion and a Living Prayer | | Appeared in: Al-Badr, Vol. 3, No. 30, 8 August 1904; Review of Religions, Vol. 3, No. |
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Aainaa-e-Kamalaat-e-Islaam | آئینہ کمالاتِ اسلام | Aainaa-e-Kamalaat-e-Islam is regarded as one of Hazrat Mirza Sahib’s most brilliant works, next to Barahin-i-Ahmadiyya and Surma-i-Chasham Arya. Hazrat Mirza Sahib started writing this book in 1892 and it was published in February 1893. Rightly entitled 'A Mirror to the Wonders of Islam', he has really opened up the marvels of the Islamic faith in this book. He has written hundreds of pages in explanation of the verse 112 of chapter 2 of the Holy Quran. |
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Aasmaani Faisila | آسمانی فیصلہ | |
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Aik ghalti ka Izala | ایک غلطی کا اِزالہ | |
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Al Washiyyat | | Translation of Al Wasiyyat |
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Al-Balagh Al-Mubin | البلاغ المبین | |
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Al-Huda | اَلھُدٰی وَالتَّبْصِرَةُ لِمَنْ یَّریٰ | |
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An-Nidaa min Wahy-is-Samaa | الندآء من وحی السمآء | |
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Anwar al-Islam | انوارالاسلام | |
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Baraheen-i-Ahmadiyya | براہین احمدیہ | |
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Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya | | Complete English Translation of the Main Text `Excluding the Footnotes` by Mirza Masum Beg |
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Barakat-ud-Dua | برکاتُ الدُّعا | |
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Chashma-i-Ma'rifat | چشمۂ معرفت | |
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Daafay-ul-Bala | دافع البَلاء | |
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Death of Prophet Jesus (AS) — 30 Verses from the Holy Quran | | English Translation from 'Izala-e-Auham' by Imam Kalamazad Mohammed |
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Does God Hear Man's Prayers? | | Based on books (Barakaat-ud-Dua and Ayyam-us-Salah) and discourses/sermons
Compiled and translated by Maulana Aftab-ud-Din Ahmad |
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Essays in Islamic Sufi-ism | | Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian & Dr. Basharat Ahmad
Compiled by Dr. Mohammad Ahmad
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Essence of Islam | | Selections from Various Writings |
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Falsafah Islamiyah | | Translation of The Teachings of Islam |
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Four Questions Answered | | Siraaj-ud-Deen Eesaee Kay Chaar Swaalon Kay Jawaab |
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Government Agrezi aur Jihad | گورنمنٹ انگریزی اور جہاد | |
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Graces, Excellencies and Surpassing Merits of the Holy Quran | | |
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Hamamat Al-Bushra | حمامة البشریٰ | |
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Hamamat Al-Bushra | حمامة البشریٰ | |
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Haqeeqat-ul-Wahy | حقیقة الوحی | |
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Haqeequt-ul-Mahdi | حقیقة المہدی | |
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Hujjat-ul Islam | حُجة الاسلام | |
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Ijaz-e-Ahmadi | اِعجاز احمدی | |
Ijaz-e-Ahmadi | اِعجاز احمدی | |
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Islamee Usool kee Philosophy | اِسلامی اُصول کی فلاسفی | |
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Ittaymaam-e-Hujjat | اتمام الحجّة | |
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Izala-e-Auham | ازالہ اَوہام | |
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Karamat-as-Sadiqin | کرامات الصادقین | |
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Kashf-ul-Ghita | کشف الغطاء | 1898 English translation of the Urdu book with the same title |
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Kemenangan Islam | | Translation of The Fath-i-Islam |
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Kishti-e-Nuh(Ark of Noah) | کشتی نوح | In this book |
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Kitab al-Bariyyah | کتاب البریہ | |
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Lecture Islam Sialkot | لیکچر اسلام سیالکوٹ | |
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Lecture Lahore | لیکچر لاہور | |
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Lecture Lahore | | Islam and Other Religions in the Indian Sub-continent |
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Lujjat an-Nur | لُجَّة النّور | |
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Maktubat-e-Ahmadiyya | مکتوباتِ احمد یہ | Compiled by Sheikh Yaqub Ali Turab |
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Malfoozat-e Ahmadiyya 1 | ملفوظاتِ احمدیہ | Compiled by Muhammad Manzur Ilahi |
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Malfoozat-e Ahmadiyya 2 | ملفوظاتِ احمدیہ | Compiled by Muhammad Manzur Ilahi |
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Malfoozat-e Ahmadiyya 3 | ملفوظاتِ احمدیہ | Compiled by Muhammad Manzur Ilahi |
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Malfoozat-e Ahmadiyya 4 | ملفوظاتِ احمدیہ | Compiled by Muhammad Manzur Ilahi |
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Malfoozat-e Ahmadiyya 5 | ملفوظاتِ احمدیہ | Compiled by Muhammad Manzur Ilahi |
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Malfoozat-e Ahmadiyya 6 | ملفوظاتِ احمدیہ | Compiled by Muhammad Manzur Ilahi |
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Malfoozat-e Ahmadiyya 7 | ملفوظاتِ احمدیہ | Compiled by Muhammad Manzur Ilahi |
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Maseeh Hindustan Mein | مسیح ہند وستان میں | |
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Mawahib-ur-Rahman | مواہب الرحمٰن | |
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Message of Peace / Paigham-e-Sulh | | Hindi translation:
AAIIL's Official Indian Website — Hindi/Urdu
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Minnun-ur-Rahman | منن الرحمٰن | |
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Muqam-i-Muhammad | مقامِ محمد | Compilations by AAIIL (Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat-e-Islam Lahore) |
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Naseem-e-Dawut | نسیمِ دعوت | |
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Nishan-e-Asmani | نشانِ آسمانی | |
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Nuzool al-Masih | نزول المسیح | |
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Paigham-us-Sulah | پیغام صلح | |
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Phenomenon of Revelation | | Based on Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's writings,
Translated by Maulana Aftab-ud-Din Ahmad |
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Poems of Islam | | Selections of Poems |
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Predominance of Islam | | Fath-e-Islam |
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Proof from the Holy Quran of the Existence of God | | A Summary of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's Arguments
Edited and Translated by Imam Kalamazad Mohammed |
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Puraanee Tahreerain | پُرانی تحریریں | |
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Qadian Ke Arya Aur Hum | قادیان کے آریہ اور ہم | |
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Revealed Sermon / Deeper Meaning of Sacrifice in Islam | | 'Khutbah Ilhamiyya'
Translated by Imam Kalamazad Mohammed |
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Review bur Mubaahisaa Batalvi-o-Chukuralvi | ریویو بر مباحثہ بٹالوی و چکڑالوی | |
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Ruedad-e Jalsa-e-Dua | روئداد جلسۂ دعا | |
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Sachchai ka Izhar | سچائی کا اظہار | |
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Safinatu-Nuh | | Translation of Kishti-e-Nooh |
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Selections from the Discourses and Exhortations of the Promised Messiah | | |
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Shahadat-ul-Quran | شہادة القرآن | |
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Sir-ul-Khalafa | سرّالخلافة | |
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Sir-ul-Khalafa | سرّالخلافة | |
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Siraaj-e-Muneer | سراجِ منیر | |
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Siraj-ud-Din Isai ke Char Sawalon ka Jawab | سراج الدین عیسائی کے چار سوالوں کا جواب | |
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Sitara-e Qaisra | ستارہ قیصرہ | |
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Surma-e Chashm-e Arya | سُرمہ چشم آریہ | |
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Tafseer Surah Al-Baqarah | تفسیر سورۃ البقرہ | First Rukuh Compiled by Sheikh Abdur Rehman Misri |
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Tafsir Surah Al-Fatihah | تفسیر سورۃ الفاتحہ | Compiled from 'Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya' (footnote 11, pp. 329–562) by Sheikh Abdur Rehman Misri
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Tauzeeh-e-Maraam | توضیح مرام | |
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Testimony of the Holy Quran | | Shahadat-ul-Quran |
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The British Government and Jihad | | English translations by Masud Akhtar Choudry. |
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The Light of the Quran & Tabloid on Criterion for Religions | | Translation of Noor-ul-Quran, Vols. 1 & 2; and, Miyar-ul-Mazhab.
Translated by Uzma Abdul Majeed |
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The Martyrdom of Sahibzada Abdul Latif Shaheed | | Biography of a devout follower of the Promised Messiah who was executed in Afghanistan for being an Ahmadi` by Prof. Khalil-ur-Rehman |
The Meaning of Islam | | An extract from his Urdu book Aaina Kamalaat-e-Islam
Translated by Dr. Zahid Aziz |
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The Revealed Book and its Special Features | | Extract from 'Chashma-i-Marifat' |
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The Six Parallel Stages of Physical and Spiritual Perfection in the Light of the Holy Quran | | Extract from Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Vol. 5 |
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The Songs of Ahmadiyyat | | Selections of Poems |
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The Star that Guides | | Najm-ul-Huda |
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The Teachings of Islam | | Islaamee Usool Kee Filaasofee |
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The Triumph of Islam | | (Fath-e Islam) |
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The Triumph of Islam | | Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya Abridged English translation from Urdu by Mirza Masum Beg |
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Tiryaq-ul-Quloob | تریاق القلوب | |
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Tohfa-e-Baghdad | تحفہ بغداد | |
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Tohfa-e-Ghuznaviyyah | تحفۂ غزنویہ | |
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Tohfa-e-Qaisariyya | تحفۂ قیصریہ | |
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Tohfa-tun-Nadwa | تحفة الندوہ | |
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Towards the New Order — An Exhortation | | |
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Tuzkiraa-tush-Shahadutain | تذکرة الشہادتین | |
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Ved aur Quran ka Muqabalah | وید اور قرآن کا مقابل | |
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Zarurat-ul-Imam | ضرورة الامام | |
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